Possum's Line

The Possum decided to get buck on some alaskan style terrain.
Slash on top of the face of death.  Possum aint no bitch made mothafucka.

Swiss Bridge with a gigantic canyon below.


So im in europe and the rest of the clan cant really figure out how to operate a computer... soo the posts are gonna be hurting a lil until i get back to the states. anyways Lizard got a Transworld cover. Great Success!!!

Brad Cromer Re-Edit

Krooked had a contest with all of brad cromer's footy. best re-edit wins. here's the clans own butter's entry.

butters brad cromer edit from keegan valaika on Vimeo.

Gus Part

Sorry for the slacking of the post's. were mid edit in a brighton vid so that should be up soon. anyways for the meanwhile here's one of the doper snowboard parts in the last couple years.gus engle in think thank

Mush Mush Float

Fats single handedly invented one of the best recipes ever. Your just gonna have to guess on the ingredients.

Hoop's new cup
Fats and Lung enjoying their heavenly floats.

Bear Snipet

For all of you who don't know. bear is the illest resort and anthony, lenny, and bradshaw show you whats up.

g-code as fuck

Battle Commander Lizard

Lizard just landed himself battle commander over at the berrics. go check that shit. creativity is key.

Guth Sesh

A quick edit of a little guth session we had.
guth sesh from keegan valaika on Vimeo.That first kid with the buttery ass style is actually our filmer. He's sicker than us, he just doesn't realize it.

What the Fuck!

We went to dinner at some nice organic restaurant and Gabe decided to leave for the hotel early. He left his credit card and expected us to pay for his dinner with it. As if we weren't gonna treat ourselves to a nice meal. This is the message Hoop got when Gabe got his credit card receipt back.
gabe lhreaux from keegan valaika on Vimeo. So basically he lost his shit and we have to pay him back. It was fun while it lasted though.

Thrill of it All

This video is for all you little bitches (butters) who love to talk shit on Jamie Thomas.... here's a little history lesson This is Zero's first team movie, coincidentally the first skate video I ever owned. Ellington's part is also a classic. Watch it. Love it. Respect the Chief.

Babe of the Week

This weeks honey is none other than the hottie from that 70's show, Mila Kunis

Keep lookin good girl.